Thursday, August 14, 2008


Its our 61st independence day.Olympic gold is making us proud in this independence day celebrations.But this only a single shade of hope amid a lot of disasters.Currently the one which is of most concern is the problem in the Jammu-Kashmir.Vote-Bank politics has created this problem,that everyone know.Even during the most horrible terrorist attack there has been no communal divide in Jammu-Kashmir.But the politicians have beeen able to create it with in a single week.

So in this Independence day,we have to say the greatest problem confronting is none other than DEMOCRACY which is creating this politicians.We have seen its lowest levels during the confidence motion in lok sabha.

We have been seeing a lot of strikes in these days of independent India.But the purpose of the strikes is the cause of concern.sometimes even with no purpose.Gujjar community is trying to get the SC status.How can such a community which is forward enough to protest like that claim to be backward?Resevations started in 1950's and it makes little sense by saying that all castes are not uplifted even after 58 years of reservation.The truth is that people who have got the benefits once keeps on getting reservations and the deserved economically backward are left out.

So politicians ,if you can't stop raising your voice and calling strikes then do it for this people

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